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Short Scene

Personified musical notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B are standing in an empty space. The scene is contrived as in a Monty Python sketch. Dedicated to my 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Nikatokus. 


C: I am C. I am the most important note. All other notes resolve to me. F and B, go forth and do my bidding. 


(F and B resolve to E and C.  E is unimpressed. C spins in ecstasy.) 


G to A: He always does this 


A: I know, so annoying. 




A and G: Nothing! 


(enter F#) 


F#: Hey guys, sorry I’m late. 


G: Ah HA! Now I am the most important note! All notes resolve to me! 


C: What!? This is an all natural tonality! 


F#: Hey man, that’s tonalist. Not cool. 


C: It’s not tonalist! That’s just the way things are in the key of C! 


F#: You don’t want me here because I am a black key!


C: No! No.. I, but... but... On a violin, black keys don’t even exist! 


F: Hey! What about me!? 


G: You’re out! See ya! (G begins to push F off stage) 


(enter Bb) 


Bb: Not so fast! 


F: (shaking G off) AhHA! Now I am the most important note! 


F#: Not while I’m here. 


Bb: This is a flat tonality now. I am planting a flag! 


F#: Are we going to have problems? 


Bb: Do you see this flag? Of course we're going to have problems.


F#: We’re the black keys! We have to stick together! 


Bb: Key color is just a social construct. If you want to stay, you have to become a flat. 


(Collective outrage) 


B: (snarkily) Wouldn’t it be g flat… right guys?... guys? 


(low patter, B sighs) 


Bb: (To B) Maybe if you weren’t so busy resolving to C, you would have your own tonality by now. 


B: Oh yeah? Just wait until the other sharps show up. 


Bb: What other sharps? (To F#) Seriously though, you would sound exactly the same, all that would change is what we call you. 


F: Yeah, that’s a good point... (realizing) Hey wait a second! I am in charge of this tonality right now and I say only one flat allowed! 


A: Shut up F. You’re not in charge and no one likes you. 


F: What!? 


A: You heard me. 


F: You’re just jealous because I control the IV chord in C Major. You report to me! 


A: The IV chord is overrated. 


F: Overrated! Are you kidding?! 


A: D is closer to C. 


D: I am staying out of this. 


C: A has a point... (G nods in agreement) 


F: But if F# becomes Gb, that won’t even be a recognized tonality. There would be an extra note! 


E: Well, it depends on what country you’re in... In Hindustani ragas there’s a much more nuanced... 


F#: (interrupting) Yeah there would be an extra note– YOU! Like A said, no one likes you and you do a bad job managing the IV chord in C Major! 


(Everyone mutters in agreement) 


F: You can’t be flat... 


Bb: I’m Bb! 


(excessive blinking) 


F: ... (frustrated) No, (to F#) you can’t become G flat without A, E and D flat. You need them here first. 


(enter C#) 


C#: Hey everyone, you would not believe the traffic! Phew! I nearly had a major breakdown out there. 


A: (Angrily) Is that supposed to be funny!? 


C#: Err... I was just ... 


B: Gentlemen, gentlemen, let’s keep things well-tempered here... 


(Collective outrage) 


A: (Demanding) Where is G#? 


C#: (Looking around) You mean he’s not here yet? 


A: (aggravated, muttering) Probably in a bar somewhere…


E: (To D) Looks like you’re in charge now. 


D: Of this mess? Nope! I’m an Atonalist. 


A: Yes! Ok so... 


D: What!? No! I mean where all notes are equal. 


C#: (swarmy, like a mobster) Listen, D… If we kick Bb out and G# stays stuck in traffic, we’ll be in harmony. 


E: All in favor of putting D in charge say, “Aye.” 


(Everyone says AYE) 


G: (pushing F offstage) Great! We’ll call you if we need a #9 extension. 


A: Good riddance. 


C#: (To C) You’re out too! 


D: What did I just say about equality! 


(Enter G#) 


G#: Finally! Why do tones always slow down to look at accidentals? 


(Collective outrage)

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